Monday 23 November 2009

NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS message and delivery

From my poster that i had made i then had to package my information in to and envolope.
i began by sticking with the idea of turning leeds in to tokyo and thought about making the envolope fould out in to a leeds street with neon signs

i changed my idea of sticking with David Hockneys quote and ignored leeds and tried to promote trips to tokyo.

(above) ideas for envolope design

final envolope before folded and sealed

inside my envolope i gave images and information about Tokyo
i also made origarmi birds as gifts.

Monday 9 November 2009


top- jumble
2nd- edit
3rd- deconstruct
bottom- extend

top-left to right-deconstruct, connect, spirel
middle-left to right-right angle, finish, project
bottom-left to right-loop, systomatic, negative
