Sunday 21 November 2010

mats and board designs

The two images below were pieces to test my skills at illustrator which as you can clearly see are not very good!!! They were based on the images I drew by hand. I have decided that these are far too awful and I will be doing the mats by hand.

These are the images for my mats and my boards. I drew them all out by hand and then scanned and did a live trace in illustrator. I haven't done this before, i normally always draw and colour in my images. I really like the effect live trace has though and how you can then add colour in either illustrator or photoshop which I did. I also created the whole of the rest of the mats in photoshop which I never normally do. I liked how my work looks half hand drawn and half computer based which my work never normally looks like. I found it annoying a difficult to get to grips with all the layers and switching between them along with other things...but then suddenly it became very easy and I enjoyed using the programs.

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