Tuesday 2 November 2010

quiz card Questions

Questions for Quiz card about table manners:

1: A napkin should be left o your lap:

A: only when you are eating
B: for as long as your host has a napkin on their lap
C: just for the main course
D: for the entire meal

Answer: D

2: At a formal dinner, the salad fork should be placed

A: next to the soup spoon
B: to the left of the knife
C: to the right of the butter knife
D: Beside the plate when the course is served

Answer D

3: If you drop your utensil at a restaurant;

A: go to the kitchen and replace it yourself
B: ask the waiter to replace it
C: apologize to everyone at the table and ask if someone has an extra
D: pick it up discreetly and use it again

Answer: B

4: At an informal gathering the host serves dishes to their:

A: left
B: right
C: no set rule
D: the host does not begin serving the meal

Answer: B

5: Hold a glass of white wine by:

A: the base of the bowl
B: the stem
C: whatever is correct for you
D: none of the above

Answer: B

6: Asparagus should be eaten with:

A: your fingers
B: whatever is comfortable for you
C: knife and fork
D: all the above

Answer: D

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